Fatma Turgut

Fatma Turgut is a famous Turkish rock singer. She was born in Aydın, Turkey in 1984. Thanks to education she took; She had the opportunity to work in areas such as chorus, singing, Turkish Music Harmony and Western Music Harmony. He also worked with various amateur rock bands. In 2007, he joined the rock group “A Due Carmen”, which will later be named Model. He had the opportunity to perform in many cities. During these years, he also performed many jingles and music with his group of models. Currently, he continues his music career as a soloist. Now Fatma Turgut is continuing her successful jobs.


Albums :


Year         Album Name

–   2016       Mey

–   2013       Levla’nın Hikayesi

–   2011       Diğer Masallar

–   2009       Perili Sirk



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