Aleyna Tilki

Aleyna Tilki is a famous Turkish singer. She was born in Turkey in 2000. Aleyna Tilki succed to take good reviews from audience in TV show that she attended in 2014. Aleyna Tilki released her first single “Cevapsız Çınlama” in 2016 and it became the most viewed video in turkey. After this she released her second single “Sen Olsan Bari” and it also became first rank in the lists in Turkey. Now Aleyna Tilki is contiuning to make an indelible impression with her succesful jobs.


Albums :


Year         Album Name


–   2018       BombarDuman

–   2018       Yalniz Cicek

–   2017       Sen Olsan Bari

–   2016       Cevapsız Çınlama



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